
We are thrilled to be writing to you about a 2020 season that started with so much uncertainty but ended up with a much more positive outcome than we could ever have anticipated, and filled with silver linings wherever we wanted to find them. The restrictions placed in Manitoba in early May meant that we could only host Manitobans (the US border was closed, as were the provincial borders). Bars and restaurants were closed, and there were limits on gatherings. This meant some creative solutions would be needed at Aikens, although the restrictions did ease a bit once our season started. We flew up on May 28th to start opening things up 3-4 weeks after ice-out, which was nearly one month behind schedule. We had to open with limited resources, so it was just the Turenne and Trudel families for two full weeks. The work was fun, and the kids helped out as much as they could. There were plenty of silver linings when we look back on the opportunity those two weeks provided for us to be in camp alone. We took advantage when we could afford a bit of time away from the tools. We took the kids fishing on many evenings, spent some time at Lost Lake, went to Bonaventure, and created some lasting memories with everyone. One of the best was watching the kids in their own boat (aka The Chalupa) and witnessing Annika land the first trophy fish of the year with the help of her siblings, a 28.5” walleye caught in the Honeyhole! Relief showed up on June 11th in the form of 17 staff members (we would eventually add three more to the crew as things got busier). We had to get going quickly to get the final prep done before the first guests arrived on the 15th of June. The arrival of the staff was a welcome sight. We were actually doing this, 2020 at Aikens was happening! It all became worth it the second those first guests arrived – what incredible smiles! You have never seen a happier population than everyone in the “Aikens bubble” in 2020. Guests, staff, the two dogs, everyone was quite relieved to have the opportunity to be at Aikens. New protocols and directives were put in place whenever needed at Aikens. These included small things like pre-bagging ice, to obvious things like the approved spacing of the dining room tables, to “bumping elbows” during our dock greeting, to wearing a mask in and around all aircraft. Thankfully, we were able to navigate a full season without having COVID enter our quaint little Aikens bubble. There was also something new arriving at Aikens in 2020. Bluewater Aviation added a Cessna Caravan Amphibious plane to its fleet (up to 8 passengers). Sleek and ultra-fast, this luxury shuttle moved our guests in and out of Aikens in style. Hopefully, you will all get the chance to catch a ride in a future season. There were a lot of times at Aikens where we were busy, but those were followed by a few slower days before the next wave of customers was due to arrive. It allowed the staff to bond on a level to which they normally can’t permit themselves when we are busy 24/7. Lots of beach days, fishing derbies, nature hikes, board games, campfires, and laughs. We truly admire the staff’s ability to work hard and play hard. They develop friendships and connections that last a lifetime. 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW